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Guía: (P)lanets

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1. Catch up with him.
2. 4-B.
3. Courtyard
4. Stay here.
5. Mysterious and cool.
6. Cafeteria
7. I should ask Kaius for help.
8. Ryuu was at fault.
9. I want to be close with Kaius.

1. Stay behind.
2. I don't remember!
3. Roof
4. Laugh.
5. Energetic and happy.
6. Roof
7. Teasingly wake him up.
8. I should help him out.
9. You shouldn't be so violent.
10. Do you really feel that way?

1. Stay behind.
2. 4-A.
3. Classroom
4. Accept.
5. Cute and sweet.
6. Courtyard
7. That sounds great!
8. I should help Lucan.
9. I wish you two would stop fighting.
10. You aren't pathetic.

1. Stay behind.
2. 4-B.
3. Cafeteria
4. Cute and sweet.
5. Hallway
6. I shouln't interfere.
7. Ryuu was at fault.
8. I have someone else in mind.
9. You can sleep here.

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